As a child I would sometimes refuse to eat food that is too green or fruits that I do not know yet. I used to restrict myself on the dishes that I would eat. I have put several stuffs aside because of this weird state of mind. When I started growing up and beginning to feel this attraction for cooking and food in general, I realised how eating colourful was important. The various colours of food are not there only to please the eye, each one of them show which nutrients it contains.
As long as the veggie or fruit is naturally coloured, it is an awesome ingredient. In my cooking I always try to explore each and every ingredient out there. Whether how to cook a common ingredient in a new exciting way or to discover new ones and try out some recipes with them. Eating should be something positive, full of life. When looking at food not only it should look attractive but it should also reflect all the goodness that the dish has to offer.
From starters to desserts, I like to colour my recipes, just like making art. For example, if I am making pancakes, be assured that there will always be some blueberries, bananas or strawberries on top to give that extra colourful vitamin touch. What nature has to offer if often full of wonderful shades and tones. Most of those have to find a way in your plate for your health. Have you ever noticed how hummus can look like colours of the rainbow? Plus, it is super good for your body!
Transforming vegetables and fruits into amazing recipes is my thing. For you to appreciate all the goodness of them, it has to be savoury. As you know, I am also a big cake lover and designer. You will also find awesome bakes in my menu. Also, shoot-out to the chocolate lovers, isn’t chocolate simply the best food ever when feeling low? I am talking about true chocolate not the one filled with nasties and loads of sugar.
Eating should be a guilt-free thing. Choosing the right balance can sometimes be tricky but bear in mind that at any moment you should not feel bad about what you are ingesting. This ease in diet can be achieved through practice and time. I counsel anyone who is having difficulties choosing the right diet, just contact me, I will be glad to propose my advices. Also, at my new café-restaurant opening very soon, there will be a diversity in the menu. From comfort food to ketogenic or vegan (there are so much more). I will also propose atypical international dishes.
My goal is to make you fall in love for dishes you’ve never eaten before. Like when you were little and you had peanut butter or ice cream for the first time. But, this time, I will propose a healthier love relation with food, of course! Kisses foodies!